Sunday, October 21, 2012

tang dynasty

     It was a hot musty day in the north east coast of South America. I was bound for the Tang Dynasty, where I would spend 13 days exploring the silk road. As i boarded the fishing vessel that would take me over to the coast of Asia, I noticed that there were many different cultural differences via the staff on the ship. The trip took 33 days total, including the route we took. Our route followed the migration patterns of tarpon, which were a big profit fish in northern Asia.
     When I arrived in Asia i was shocked at the amount of salesman and village women trying to sell clothes and food on the road side. The deeper into the village I traveled the more and more cultural variety there was. I traveled for the next two days via camel in the desert. As I made my way into the start of the silk road is was somewhat desolate. Though the farther I got into the silk road the more people i saw. these people varied from men, women, children, families, merchants, military, obvious thieves and so on.
     One of the most surprising things to me was the amount of poetry being sold by booth merchants and roadside salesman. Though this should of been no surprise to me given the fact that poetry was so popular in Asia. The biggest discovery that I made was all the families and merchants were heading north where the trade was booming. While all of the farmers and older people were heading south to escape all of the commotion. They were looking for some property to settle down on. Though all of the people on the silk road had one of two goals: to make money or to reach a destination.

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