Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Brian's swagchart


Timeline RR:

I. 1. Russo-Japanese War

A. First Great War of the 20th century that grew out of rival imperial ambitions

II. 2. Bloody Sunday

A. St. Petersburg Russia, where unarmed peaceful demonstrators were fired upon by imperial guards

III. 3. Russia enters WWI

A. Russia declares are on Austria Hungary

IV. 4. Lenin returns from exile

A. Leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik party, returns to take the reins of the Russian Revolution

V. 5. Protests prompt Nicholas to abdicate

A. Abdication due to seeing imperial Russia going from being one of the best powers in the world to a military economic failure

VI. 6. Duma sets up a temporary government

A. After the abdication of Nicholas prompted an immediate construction of a temporary government

VII. 7. Bolsheviks seize control

A. Forces led by Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander kerensky

VIII. 8. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Ended the war between Russia and Germany

IX. 9. Romanov family is murdered

Murdered by the Bolsheviks

X. 10. Russian Civil War

Tear Russia apart for three years

XI. 11. War Communism

Introduced by Lenin to revolt against the economic problems due to the civil war

XII. 12. New Economic Policy

Ld policy of war communism

XIII. 13. Constitution establishes the Soviet Union

A newly exercised government authority

XIV. 14. Lenin Dies

Due to brain hemorrhage

XV. 15. Stalin takes power

Thought Stalin was a threat

XVI. 16. Stalin's Five Year Plans

Took belongings and caused famines

XVII. 17. Collectivization of the Ukraine

Collectivization forced by Stalin policy

XVIII. 18. The Great Purge

Intended to take away statin enemies

Sent from my iPad


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