Thursday, May 30, 2013


      In 1989 Czechoslovakia went through a revolution known as the velvet revolution. It lasted from november 17 to december 29 1989. It was basically a way for the people and government to return piece to the country and its standard of living.

     After the destruction that the Germans caused to the Czech people and their country they were left in ruins. Their government was desperate for improvement. The peoples living condition had been lowered by more than twenty percent and violence was starting to become a problem.

     It all started on november 17th when over 500,000 people gathered in Prague to participate in a non-violent protest against the government and to push for changes. This was what caused the government to change into a parliamentary republic. At first the riot police tried to stop the riots but soon they had grown into such large numbers that the only way to end them was through forceful actions, and that was the last thing the government wanted. So they agreed on holding their first democratic election which took place in June of 1990.

     After this it brought rest to the protests and happiness to the people of Czechoslovakia. During all this only one person was killed and it was a student that was intoxicated at the protest waving a bottle around threatening police. This makes it the 4th largest non-violent protest in history.

     Present day velvet revolution is also known as the gentle movement of Czechlasovakia. People still celebrate the month of June every year as the month that they gained democratic freedom. Currently the government has rebuilt its stability from WW2 and the people are satisfied.

"Velvet Revolution." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 31 May 2013. Web. 30 May 2013.